How is Myopia Treated?

3 min readFeb 6, 2022


About 60% of the US population rely heavily on glasses and contact lenses to see clearly. According to the American Optometric Association, 30% of people in the United States suffer from a vision condition called myopia, which is also known as nearsightedness. If you are nearsighted, it is usually difficult for you to see objects at a distance, such as street signs, billboards, etc. If you have this visual impairment, you will only need glasses for distance viewing, but they will not be required for such activities. like reading and reading. using computers and digital devices. Some of the symptoms associated with myopia include eye fatigue, blurry distance vision, and strabismus to see clearly, just to name a few.

So what exactly causes myopia and is treatment for myopia available?

To understand this, we need to understand a little about the structure of the eye.

At the back of the eye is the retina. You can think of the retina as a movie screen that focuses the world around you. As you look around you, light from the objects you are looking at travels through the outer layer of your eye (the cornea), through the iris and lens, and finally onto the retina. As light passes through these layers, it is refracted so that images are focused on the retina.

Myopia is an eye defect in which the image entering the eye is focused in front of the retina. As a result, the image will be blurry and out of focus.

Myopia can be caused by the following reasons:

1. The cornea (outer surface of the eye) is too curved.

2. Your eyeball is too long.

When a myopic person looks at distant objects, the light rays from those distant objects are fairly closely parallel to each other. To focus the image, the rays must be bent so that they converge on the retina at the back of the eye. However, due to the problems mentioned above, the rays are bent too much and converge in front of the retina.

However, when a person with myopia focuses on a close object (for example, when reading a book), the light rays from these close objects enter the eyes at an angle, which means that the light must be more bent, in which case, the rays are correctly focused on the retina. , so nearsightedness does not affect near vision.

There are several different treatments for people with nearsightedness who want to see clearly.

When you wear glasses or contact lenses to correct myopia, these lenses ensure that the light that enters your eye converges on the retina, thereby ensuring that the image is properly focused.

Another option for correcting myopia is LASIK eye surgery, in which the surgeon can reshape the cornea so that light is focused properly. For more information about nearsightedness, especially if you think you or your children suffer from this condition, see your doctor.

Glasses are usually prescribed to treat nearsightedness. However, the glasses simply mask the symptoms rather than address the underlying causes. Eye exercises, on the other hand, address the underlying causes of such vision conditions by relaxing the visual system and strengthening weakened eye muscles, thereby improving the eye’s ability to focus. Diligent and consistent practice of these simple and comfortable eye exercises can help you naturally improve your vision without glasses.

Even if you’ve been suffering from vision problems for years, you can eventually repair, improve, and rebuild the foundation of your visual system for healthier vision, no matter how strong or strong your prescription is. All it takes is a few minutes a day to reach your goals of naturally improving vision without glasses.




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